Sunday Review #172 (13Oct2024)

📖 What I’m Reading:

Outrageous Color – Steven Tassin

  • My brother is a colorful and talented person. My mom was, too.

Markets Are Information - Beating the Sportsbooks at Their Own Game – Jonathan Wang

  • Fascinating. Mad respect to this arbitrageur.

Money on my mind – Prof Paul Dolan

  • “You are less happy when you are paying attention to time (and especially to time as money) rather than to the activities you are engaged in.”

☝️ Word of the Week:

coruscate (v) KOR-uh-skayt

To sparkle, flash, or gleam.

From Latin coruscare (to flash).

“Her face was wrinkled and old like the pages of a well-loved book, her eyes shone, and her silvery hair coruscated in the moonlight.”

💬 Quote of the Week:

“Every action reveals us. … One judges a horse not only by seeing it ridden at a gallop, but also by its walk, and even by the sight of it resting in its stable.”

-Michel de Montaigne

ps: masterpiece melodic house track of the week (YouTube) (Spotify)

pps: chop suey (X)

ppps: árbol (X)

Thomas Tassin

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